Young Farmers
A chance to watch extracts from a documentary-in-progress that follows local Young Farmers over the course of a year
Director: Anne Cottringer
UK, 2009, 1 hour
Sat 27 February 11.00am The Courtyard Hereford
Tickets: FREE
This documentary follows members of Herefordshire Young Farmers Clubs over a year, as they face the challenges of keeping farming alive in this part of the UK. From one of the most isolated farms on Welsh borders to the modern technology of building your herd through bull semen bought online, it follows the dramas, big and small of life on a farm: early starts, volatile markets, threat of TB, the arrival of a new calf, leaving home. And then there is the packed social calendar of the Young Farmers Clubs. Showing as a work-in-progress Young Farmers is a timely look at the new generation taking on this vital sector of our economy at a time of pressing issues.
Director Anne Cottringer and members of the Young Farmers Club will discuss the film and the issues it raises