Women of the Yellow Earth

Women of the Yellow Earth

For the third year running we welcome John Bulmer to present one of his fascinating ethnographic documentaries

Director: John Bulmer
UK, 1994, 50 minutes

Sat 27 February 4.00pm The Courtyard Hereford

Buy Courtyard Tickets

Travelling to far-flung places, John Bulmer has photographed and directed over forty films for the BBC, Channel 4 and the Discovery Channel. Women of the Yellow Earth, made for BBC's Under the Sun, tells the story of two women, Bai and Ma Ning, who live in cave houses, cut out of the soft rock of the Loess Plateau in Northern China and the often traumatic conflicts between them and the harsh family planning authorities.

John Bulmer will introduce the film and producer Frances Berrigan of Cicada Films will also be present for the discussion

... extraordinary film, ... intimate and natural" Daily Mail

Programme Notes