Let the Right One In

Saturday Screen: Young Shoots

A not-to-be-missed chance for 15-19 and 8-12 year olds to watch a great film then try out some of the techniques for themselves

Let the Right One InLet the Right One In (15)
(+ Horror filmmaking workshop)

Director: Tomas Alfredson
Starring: Kåre Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson
Sweden, 2008, 1 hour 54 minutes

Sat 27 February 10.00am - 4.30pm Ledbury Market Theatre

Set in the snow-covered landscapes of Sweden this vampire horror is darker, grittier and infinitely better than Twilight. It tells the tale of lonely and bullied Oskar who forges a friendship with his peculiar new neighbour Eli. Part love story, part revenge fantasy this film is both touching and macabre. Afterwards aspiring filmmakers can get behind the camera and create their own scary shorts.

"If you're looking for a horror movie that plays fair, offers genuine scares with an equally deep emotional clout, this really is the right one" Phelim O'Neill, Guardian

Further Info/Reading


Let the Right One In (15)


Lunch (bring your own)

12.30pm - 4.30pm

Horror filmmaking workshop led by Dan Brown of Mash Cinema

Cloudy with a Chance of MeatballsCloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (U) (+ Animation Workshop)

Director: Anna Faris, Bill Hader, Bruce Campbell, James Caan
With the voices of: Kåre Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson
USA, 2009, 1 hour 30 minutes

Sat 6 March 10.30am - 2.30pm Little Dewchurch Village Hall

Bright, silly and a lot of fun with its pizza tornadoes and giant ice cream drifts, this builds to an eyeball-frazzling culinary climax of truly epic proportions. After the screening aspiring animators can make their own short films using Macbooks, digital animation software and plasticine.

"one of the funniest films of the year - that'll send you out of the cinema grinning from ear to ear." ViewLondon

Further Info/Reading

12.30pm - 2.30pm

Animation workshop led by Dan Brown of Mash Cinema

Tickets £2.00 screening and workshop (call Natalie at The Rural Media Company 01432 344039 to book), £1.00 screening only (on door).

Young Shoots is a pilot project run by The Rural Media Company with funding from the UK Film Council's Film: 21st Century Literacy initiative. The project seeks to increase access to film and filmmaking for young people in Herefordshire and this event is held in collaboration with Flicks in the Sticks

Arts Council EnglandThe Rural Media Company Catcher Media

Further Info/Reading