Tricks (PG)
Immerses you in a young child's world where magic spells really do come true
Director: Andrzej Jakimowski
Starring: Damian Ul, Ewelina Walendziak, Tomasz Sapryk
Poland, 2007, 1 hour 35 minutes, subtitles
Mon 30 March 6.00pm - The Courtyard Hereford
Beautifully told, gently humorous tale of Stefek, a young boy who becomes convinced that the man who changes trains at his little local station is his absent father. Desperately keen to reunite him with his mum he tries many tricks to get chance to intervene in his favour. This immerses you in Stefek's world where fate can be bent to his will and crossing fingers, spinning coins and magical thinking can influence the outcome of events. A delightful blend of sensitivity, intelligence, humour, and magical realism, this provides a quirky and highly original window into Polish small town life.
Winner of the Europa Cinemas Prize at Venice Film Festival 2007
External Links: Polandian review