Revolutionary Road

Revolutionary Road (15)

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are reunited in this tale of troubled marriage and thwarted ambition in small-town America

Director: Sam Mendes
Starring: Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kathy Bates
USA, 2008, 1 hour 59 mins

Fri 3 April 8.15pm / Sat 4 8.00pm / Sun 5 8.45pm - The Courtyard Hereford

Buy Courtyard Tickets

Kate and Leo are finally back together again in this beautifully acted dissection of a troubled marriage in suburban Revolutionary Road where happy faces are put on lives of quiet desperation. April hates their stultifying life and dreams of reclaiming their lives (and love) as free spirits by moving to Paris. However, their incredulous neighbours react to their getaway plan as a threat to world order. Will they break away or break apart? A fantastic film about ageing and the death of dreams, DiCaprio and Winslet are both absolutely compelling as a young couple struggling with their conflicting desires for material success, personal fulfillment and the rewards of raising a family.

Nominated for 3 Oscars including Best Supporting Actor

On Friday the screening is sponsored by
Barclays Commercial

On Saturday the screening is sponsored by
Gordon Lutton Solicitors

External Links: Official Site / Tim Dowling's Guardian Column / Observer review