North Face (Nordwand)

North Face (Nordwand) (12A)

The amazing cinematography makes you feel like you're right there, hanging off the side of the mountain

Director: Philipp Stölzl
Starring: Benno Fürmann, Florian Lukas, Johanna Wokalek
Germany/Austria/Switzerland, 2008, 2 hours 1 minute, subtitles

Fri 20 March 7.30pm / Sat 21 7.30pm - Ludlow Assembly Rooms
Fri 3 April 8.30pm / Sun 5 4.15pm - The Courtyard Hereford

Buy Courtyard Tickets

The best mountaineering film since Touching The Void, this is a drama based on a real story rather than a documentary reenactment, but once again it is the awe-inspiring mountains that are the real stars. A rather hackneyed set-up in the Berlin of 1936 quickly pitches Toni & Andi as our favourites in the race to be the first to climb the deadly North Face of the Eiger. But things really kick off once we reach the mountains and things start to go wrong for the gloriously ill-equipped mountaineers, determined to the point of madness to scale the most dangerous rock face in the Alps, the treacherous 'murder wall'. Clearly filmed under extremely hazardous conditions, it is the extraordinary cinematography of the snow-bound scenery that steals the show. The most heroically romantic film of the year.

"Stunning" Empire

On Friday the screening is sponsored by
Wyevale Nurseries

External Links: Guardian article on the North Face of the Eiger / Independent article on the German mountain film and North Face