Moja Moja (PG)
Charity screening for inspirational film about a Kenyan orphanage
Director: Sam Oliver
Starring: Grace Seneiya, Susan Standfield
Canada, 45 minutes
Friday 3 April 4.30pm - The Courtyard Hereford
Moja Moja - one step at a time in Swahili - is an optimistic story of two young women whose vision and determination have transformed the lives of disabled children in Samburu, Kenya. Run by Grace Seneiya the SHERP orphanage is a place of refuge, rehabilitation and love - some of the children have been rescued from cages, others from being burned alive. This short documentary shows how a young Canadian, Susan Standfield set up a photography project to encourage the children to sell prints and T-shirts from their own photos, fostering self-sufficiency and freedom from poverty. Made by ex-Herefordshire College of Art student, Sam Oliver, this is a film about how love and hope can overcome the biggest problems, and is sure to be enjoyed by anyone who liked last year���sWe Are Together.
"If you put all of your energy and faith into doing something, you will succeed"
Grace Seneiya, Founder of SHERP Orphanage
There will be a collection for SHERP - Samburu Handicapped Education Rehabilitation Programme
External Links: Trailer