The Passion of Joan of Arc

The Passion of Joan of Arc (PG)

Widely regarded as a masterpiece of silent cinema, Paul's especially composed score makes this a must for any serious cinema fan

Director: Carl Theodor Dreyer
Starring: Maria Falconetti, Eugene Silvain, Andre Berley
Denmark, 1928, 1 hour 22 minutes, B/W, silent with piano accompaniment

Wed 1 April 8.45pm - The Courtyard Hereford

A rare opportunity to see an undisputed masterpiece of silent cinema, The Passion of Joan of Arc is widely regarded as the greatest film of one of the greatest directors in cinema history. Based on the transcripts of her trial and shot mostly in close up in expressionist B/W, the extraordinarily beautiful images emphasize the expressions on the faces of the venal judges and the saintly Joan. Passion is the key word in the title as Dreyer's pure, simple style creates an intensity of emotion that has rarely been equalled.

With an introduction and piano accompaniment by Paul Shallcross

"Stunning in its power, ...Dreyer's silent masterpiece all but scorches a hole in the screen." The Guardian

"it's magisterial cinema, and almost unbearably moving." Time Out

"One of the most inspired and inspiring films ever made."
David Parkinson, Empire