Moja Moja

Moja Moja (PG)

Charity screening for inspirational film about a Kenyan orphanage

Director: Sam Oliver
Starring: Grace Seneiya, Susan Standfield
Canada, 45 minutes

Friday 3 April 4.30pm - The Courtyard Hereford

Buy Courtyard Tickets

Moja Moja - one step at a time in Swahili - is the story of how the vision and determination of two young women have transformed the lives of disabled children in Samburu, Kenya. Run by Grace Seneiya the SHERP orphanage is a place of refuge, rehabilitation and love - some of the children have undergone terrible suffering. Made by ex-Herefordshire College of Art student, Sam Oliver, it shows how love and hope can overcome the biggest problems, and is sure to be enjoyed by anyone who liked last year's We Are Together.

There will be a collection for SHERP - Samburu Handicapped Education Rehabilitation Programme