Film and Disability Day at The Courtyard

The Film and Disability Day returns for the fifth year and we are delighted to be extending our reach to an extra half day event at Ludlow Assembly Rooms. Organised in partnership with DASh (Disability Arts in Shropshire). Book early as this event sells out.

Thurs 2 April 10.30am - 4.45pm: The Courtyard Hereford.
Fri 3 April 10am - 1.30pm: Ludlow Assembly Rooms.

10.30 - 11.15


Enjoy a selection of short films featuring talented actors and film-makers from across the UK: starting with Belfast's National Deaf Children Society's 1950's thrilller Seaside Hotel, Telford's Arty Party group in Smile And Run, and a new episode of the wonderful Stranger Hero from Hartlepool's Shout Your Mouth Off Productions, featuring the world's first Down's Syndrome Kung Fu Action Hero with a special guest appearance by Mat Fraser, the UK's best known disabled actor.

11.15 - 11.45


11.45 - 12.45

Deaffest - guest session

Deaffest is the UK's only Deaf led Film and Television Festival. Based in Wolverhampton and, now in its eleventh year, it celebrates the talents of both British and international Deaf filmmakers and media artists. Today they will be showing some of the highlights from Young Deaffest, made by young Deaf film-makers aged 16-25.

12.45 - 1.30


1.30 - 2.30

Raina Haig

Director Raina Haig began her career in media working for the BBC's campaigning One in Four series. Now an award winning near blind director with an innovative track record, her graduation film Drive was the first fiction film to be audiodescribed at production stage. Recent work for Channel Four includes Getting Off for the Dogma TV series and Blind Sensations. Raina is currenlty setting up a new multi-media and feature film company with a commitment to employing 50% disabled and Deaf people in production roles.

2.30 - 3.00


3.00 - 4.45

Heavy Load (12A)

This engaging doc follows thrash metal punk band, Heavy Load - three of whose members have learning disabilities - as they cut their first album and break out from safe 'disability' territory to gigging in pubs and success at festivals. Funny and insightful about the difficulties of meeting the needs of disabled people; all three - Simon, the exuberant singer, Jim, the gentle guitarist and Down's Syndrome drummer, Mick, a one-man emotional rollercoaster with solo-career aspirations - come across as great characters. More information.

To be followed by discussion.

All films with BSL interpretation, Hearing Loop

DASH - Disability Arts in Shropshire

External Links: Deaffest / Raina Haig / DASh