We Are Together

We Are Together (12A)

Director: Paul Taylor
UK, 2006, 1 hour 26 minutes

Monday 7 April 7.00pm
Ludlow Assembly Rooms

Friday 11 April 6.15pm
Sunday 13 6.30pm
The Courtyard Hereford

Buy Courtyard Tickets

The highs and lows of an AIDS orphans choir that helps the children deal with their blighted lives. The children watch Agape Orphanage, their home and school burn down, but then they cut a CD and get to perform in New York with Paul Simon and Alicia Key. Filled with sorrow and joy in equal measure, not to mention some sublime music, this weaves together their lovely singing, interviews with the most delightful girls and distressing scenes to great emotional effect, and shows there is always hope, even in the most difficult situations.

"A life-affirming testament to the power of music" The Times

Winner of the Audience Award at Edinburgh International Film Festival 2007

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