Still Life

Still Life (15)

Director: Zhang Ke Jia
Starring: Tao Zhao, Zanming Han
China, 2006, 1 hour 48 minutes, subtitles

Tuesday 8 April 7.30pm
Ludlow Assembly Rooms

Wednesday 9 April 4.00pm
Friday 11 2.15pm
The Courtyard Hereford

Buy Courtyard Tickets

Beautifully shot and masterfully told story of two people (a nurse looking for her husband, a coalminer looking for his wife and daughter) looking for their spouses who have been displaced by the building of the Three Gorges Dam. Against the backdrop of the devastation and destruction caused by the dam (over a million people have been displaced and their homes wiped off the map), their stories unfold in Jia�s usual minimalist style in which the unspoken (the body language, the framing of the shot) is as important as the dialogue, a style which subtly catches the loss and heartbreak of displacement.

Winner of the Golden Lion for Best Film Venice Film Festival 2006

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