Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread (12A)

Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Austria, 2005, 1 hour 32 minutes

Wednesday 9 April 7.30pm
Ludlow Assembly Rooms

Saturday 12 April 3.30pm
Sunday 13 4.30pm
The Courtyard Hereford

Buy Courtyard Tickets

Without voiceover, interviews or expressing any obvious opinion this striking, occasionally shocking documentary shows just how industrial food processing and high-tech farming works. Strange sounds often unnerve, and the images take on a surreal quality that is at times funny, at times poetically captivating, but the objective style achieves what all great documentaries strive to do - it distils an uncomfortable, undeniable truth which will leave any audience with plenty to chew on.

The Ludlow screening will be introduced by Graham Harvey, the agricultural journalist and author of We Want Real Food, but probably even better known as the Agricultural Story Editor of The Archers.

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