National Treasure: Book of Secrets

National Treasure: Book of Secrets (PG)

Director: Jon Turtletaub
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Harvey Keitel, Helen Mirren
USA, 2007, 2 hours 4 minutes

Friday 4 April 11.30am & 2.00pm
Saturday 5 11.00am
Sunday 6 1.30pm
The Courtyard Hereford

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Globe-trotting treasure hunter Benjamin Franklin Gates is back! This time Ben wants to clear his great-grandfather's name and a whirlwind, round-the-world trip quickly follows that provides a thrill-ride laced with humour, surprises and of course a barnstorming revelatory finale. A smart blend of Indiana Jones and Mission: Impossible, this is an edge-of-your-seat adventure that fizzes with excitement from start to finish.

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