My Kid Could Paint That (12A)
Director: Amir Bar-Lev
Starring: Marla Olmstead, Mark Olmstead, Amir Bar-Lev
USA, 2007, 1 hour 23 minutes
Friday 28 March 6.15pm
Saturday 29 6.15pm
Monday 31 6.15pm
The Courtyard Hereford

A highly engaging documentary about the nature of modern art that focuses on the story of 'child genius' Marla, a four year old who became a national celebrity in the US, whose paintings were compared to Kandinsky and Pollock selling for thousands of dollars. The most talked about documentary at this year's London Film Festival, this is an absorbing study of truth and parental responsibility that intelligently examines how the media's obsession with celebrity feeds the way modern art is perceived, valued and sold. Excellent.