John Bulmer presents

John Bulmer presents

Wednesday 9 April 6.00pm
The Courtyard Hereford

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John Bulmer, Hereford born and bred, trained as an engineer but quickly moved on to an award winning career as a freelance photographer, travelling around the world. Inspired by the unusual places and peoples he met, he began working on documentaries and finished up directing and photographing over forty films for the BBC's Under the Sun, Channel Four and Discovery Channel.

John will talk about his career in film-making, working in difficult and inaccessible places across the globe, and show clips from his favourite films, together with a screening of Dances with Llamas a fascinating documentary on llama herders living high up in the Andes. The mayor, the local priest and the police try to stop the Tinku festival, the high point in the llama herders' year, where competition between rival villages can lead to a battle to the death.

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