In The Course

In The Course of Time/Kings of the Road (18)

Director: Wim Wenders
Starring: Rudiger Vogler, Hanns Zischler, Lisa Kreuzer
Germany, 1976, 2 hours 56 minutes, B/W, subtitles

Friday 11 April 2.00pm
The Courtyard Hereford

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Now traveling under its original, more accurate title - In The Course of Time - this is the King of the Road Movies, a wistful, hypnotic story of two men meandering through the end-of-the-road towns on the East German border. One of the great films about men, about travelling, about cinema (one of the central characters repairs projectors in run-down cinemas), and about the baleful impact of American culture, Wenders' intimate epic is marked by its emotional honesty and stunning black-and-white cinematography.

"a subtle, honest film about the male psyche" Geoff Andrew

Movie MailThe film will be introduced by David Gillam, Director of Borderlines Film Festival. Sponsored by MovieMail.

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