I'm Not There

I'm Not There (15)

Director: Todd Haynes
Starring: Cate Blanchett, Christian Bale, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger
USA, 2007, 2 hours 16 minutes

Friday 4 April 8.30pm
Saturday 5 8.30pm
Monday 7 8.30pm
Tuesday 8 2.30pm
The Courtyard Hereford

Sunday 6 7.30pm,
Monday 7 7.30pm
Ludlow Assembly Rooms

Buy Courtyard Tickets

Inspired by the music and the myth of Bob Dylan, this skilfully weaves together a wide variety of imaginative visual styles, a great selection of his music, and six different performers all playing Dylan to create a funny, rich, multi-layered portrait. Dylan nut or Dylan not, whatever your prejudices, if you're sick of films that treat the lives of artists in the same, predictable fashion, then you should thank the high heavens for Haynes's honest approach that makes clear that this is just one interpretation, a reflection of a life through the mirror of an ambitious experimental film. The film's best ideas are smart and playful, providing a fractured, intriguing, highly personal take on the Dylan myth that is worth seeing just for Cate Blanchett's amazing performance.

Cate Blanchett has been nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar 2008

Logos of Bill Jackson, Charlotte's, Aardvark Books and Hereford College of Arts

On Friday the screening is sponsored by Bill Jackson

On Saturday the screening is sponsored by Charlotte's
and Aardvark Books

On Monday the screening is sponsored by Hereford College of Arts

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