Gone To Earth

Gone To Earth (PG)

Directors: Michael Powell
& Emeric Pressburge
Starring: Jennifer Jones,
David Farrar, Cyril Cusack
GB, 1950, 1 hour 50 minutes

Sunday 6 April 2.00pm
The Courtyard Hereford

Sunday 13 April 4.30pm
Regal Tenbury Wells

Buy Courtyard Tickets

The Shropshire Hills have never looked more ravishing than in full Technicolor in this unearthly melodrama based on Mary Webb's bodice-ripper. Barefoot wild child Hazel Woodus captivates both the mild-mannered parson and the caddish squire with her dark beauty and soon she finds herself, along with her pet fox, trapped between sterile marriage to the former and hot-blooded passion for the latter. Overlooking the excess, the clichés and Jennifer Jones's dodgy accent, this visually spellbinding romance makes for absorbing Sunday afternoon viewing.

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