Extras (12A)
Director: Micha Kwieciski
Starring: Kinga Preis, Bartosz Opania, Stanisaw Brudny
Poland, 2006, 1 hour 55 minutes, Polish with subtitles
Saturday 5 April 2.00pm
Monday 7 11.15am
The Courtyard Hereford
Sunday 6 April 8.00pm
Market Theatre Ledbury
Saturday 12 April 7.00pm
St Mary's Church Hall Ross

An amiable romantic comedy about a Chinese film crew who decide they want a load of gloomy extras and think Poland is the perfect place to shoot their movie. Cue farcical auditions and on-set shenanigans as the director's instructions are relayed through put-upon translator Bozena who deliberately sabotages her ex's chances. Fine performances and a strong script give the various romantic relations that spring up during the shoot at least a grounding in reality, and show that working together both groups can discover the limitations of national stereotypes in many sweet and humorous ways.
Winner of 5 Awards at the Polish Film Festival 2006 including Best Script