A Crude
Awakening (PG)
Director: Basil Gelpke
Switzerland, 2006, 1 hour 23 minutes
Tuesday 8 April 6.15pm
Thursday 10 4.00pm
The Courtyard Hereford
Thursday 10 April 7.30pm
Ludlow Assembly Rooms

This is essential viewing for anyone who cares about our children's future. The unsurprising, if inconvenient, truth, this well researched, slickly assembled documentary reveals is sooner or later the oil will run out. We are now moving from an era of abundant, cheap energy to a time of scarce, expensive energy. Given that we all depend on oil, not just for transport, but also for food and many of the 'essentials' of modern life, the question is what next?
Mike Townsend, (Hereford Transition Towns initiative), and Rob Garner (Bulmer's Foundation) will lead a discussion after Tuesday's showing of the film
Rachel Francis, Felicity Norman, (Leominster Transition Towns) Sally Ford and Ian Marchant will lead a discussion after the showing in Ludlow