City of Men

City of Men (15)

Director: Paulo Morelli
Starring: Darlan Cunha, Douglas Silva, Jonathan Haagensen
Brazil, 2007, 1 hour 46 minutes, subtitles

Saturday 5 April 8.15pm
The Courtyard Hereford

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Anything billed as a 'companion piece' (via the TV series) to City of God has a lot to live up to. Although many of the same people are involved, and the film has the same visceral look, and many of the same elements - the Rio slums, young men with guns, drugs, and little chance in life - this takes an equally compelling but different, less frantic, approach. It follows the fate of two best friends, both about to turn 18, Ace is trying to raise a son while Wallace is desperate to find his long-lost father. When gang warfare breaks out and past secrets surface their friendship is sorely tested.

Screening prior to its UK release - see it first in Hereford!

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