The Cameraman

The Cameraman (U)
With live piano accompaniment by Paul Shallcross.

Director: Edward Sedgwick
Starring: Buster Keaton, Marceline Day, Harold Godwin
USA, 1928, 1 hour 7 minutes

Monday 7 April 8.15pm
The Courtyard Hereford

Buy Courtyard Tickets

This classic Keaton comedy about a small-time photographer who suffers disaster after disaster when he tries to film newsreels to impress a girl is full of hilarious gags - and an organ-grinders monkey that saves the day! The greatest of the silent comics, Keaton is often remembered for his deadpan face in response to the tricks of malignant fate. He was a profound comic genius with a bleak, absurdist vision of the world, whose artistry and humour remain timeless.

Jack Roe (CS) LtdThe screening is sponsored by Jack Roe (CS) Ltd

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