Before The Devil Knows You're
Dead (15)
Director: Sidney Lumet
Starring: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke, Albert Finney
USA, 2007, 1 hour 57 minutes
Thursday 10 April 11.00am & 8.15pm
Friday 11 8.30pm
Sunday 13 8.15pm
The Courtyard Hereford

When two brothers with money troubles, decide to rob their parents' jewellery store you just know things will go badly wrong. Fabulous performances and an intelligent script ratchet up the tension as the cocktail of guilt, grief and family history builds to an explosive climax. A subtle, engrossing thriller which repeatedly insists that life is far more messily complicated than we're generally led to believe by the conventions of mainstream cinema, it brings back memories of Lumet's '70s heyday when he made Serpico and Dog Day Afternoon.
Friday's showing sponsored by Gordon Lutton and Thompsons