

Mon 26 6.15pm The Courtyard Hereford
Tue 27 6.15pm The Courtyard Hereford
Sun 25 7.00pm Ludlow Assembly Rooms

The Refugee All Stars (15)

Director: Zach Niles & Banker White
Starring: The Refugee All Stars
Sierra Leone/Guinea/USA, 2005,
1 hour 20 minutes, English with subtitles

Buy Courtyard Tickets

A testament to music's power to heal wounds, both physical and emotional, this uplifting documentary dispels the stereotype of refugees as helpless victims of war. It tells the story of six refugees, all survivors of the unbelievably brutal war in Sierra Leone, who meet in a camp in neighbouring Guinea and form a band that performs a mix of reggae, R&B and traditional music. But while their music inspires their people in the camps it is their stories that bring home the horrors of what they've been through, the difficulties they face going home, and the triumphant power of a positive attitude - and music!

Winner of the Best Documentary at the AFI Fest 2005

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