

Mon 26 6.00pm The Courtyard Hereford
Tue 27 2.15pm The Courtyard Hereford
Wed 28 7.00pm Ludlow Assembly Rooms

China Blue (PG)

Director: Micha X Peled
USA, 2005, 1 hour 28 minutes, subtitles

Buy Courtyard Tickets

What did you pay for your last pair of jeans? A powerful, poignant and ultimately touching journey into the harsh world of the sweatshop workers that shines a light on the inhumane working conditions endured by the young girls who make our jeans. Filmed in secret, it focuses on 16 year-old Jasmine who regularly works fourteen hour days and her equally optimistic friends. By looking beyond the grim facts of sweatshop labour to reveal the flavour of their everyday lives, this makes personal the impact of globalization. Showing the families they leave behind in the countryside, their resilience, their determination and the dreams that drive these young girls, this offers an unrivalled view of the massive changes taking place in China.

Winner Amnesty International Award, Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival 2005

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