

British Shorts: Meet the Filmmakers (18)

Tuesday 27 4.15pm
The Courtyard Hereford. £2.00

Pictured: Meat

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Ian Hudson, Peter Blach, Ray McNeill and Magnus Irvin will introduce their films and answer questions about how they were and made what inspired them to make them.

White Room (15)

Director: Ian Hudson, 20 minutes

One man, one woman, four questions, four answers and one eternal truth. The White Room is an intimate story with an underlying psychological edge, which explores the chance meeting between two people, the development of their relation and the revelation of their darkest secrets.

A lecturer in Film at Hereford College of Art and Design, Ian Hudson is a writer/director who set up Coolsleeper Productions four years ago to produce self funded short films.

Meat (15)

Director: Peter Blach, 10 minutes

Umut turns the meat behind the grill, but his thoughts are elsewhere. He struggles to keep up and the boss is on his case. He gambles to forget, but how long before his life falls apart?

Peter Blach has worked his way up in the TV industry, Meat is his ninth short film.

Prayer Cushions of the Flesh (18)

Directors: Magnus Irvin and Ray McNeill, 26 minutes

A dark erotic fantasy about perversion, discipline, cardboard, giraffes, cake and the power of love over that of depraved sexuality - all taking place in the Sultan's Royal Harem.

An artist probably best known for large scale woodcuts, Magnus Irvin has made several short films, and has a preference for black and white and live animation combinations. Magnus is currently working on a vampire cowboy film with singing ducks.

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