Everything (18)

Director: Richard Hawkins
Starring: Ray Winstone, Jan Graveson
UK, 2004, 1 hour 31 minutes
A middle-aged detective visits a Soho prostitute nine times in nine days, but Richard shies away from sex, preferring instead to ask Naomi awkward questions about her life as a prostitute. Naomi is at first gently teasing of his shy discomfort. But as his questions grow more insistent she is increasingly suspicious, but ultimately intrigued about his mysterious motives. The volcanic centre of this intimate film, Ray Winstone seethes with unspoken questions, his voice rusty with neglect. As with all his best performances, it draws on his sense of bafflement and Winstone's inability to express what he really wants. Making the best possible use of its tiny, £50,000 budget, Hawkins doesn’t shy away from some uncomfortable truths when Richard's real purpose finally becomes clear.
"With characters stripped as raw as the seedy London locations they inhabit, Everything is a forcefully executed, slow-burning thriller" Variety
Nominated for Best First Film BAFTA 2006
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